Shopback Althea

Voucher & Promo Althea

Up to 6% Cashback

Cashback Rates

  • New Customer6%
  • Existing Customer3%
To ensure Althea Cashback and promo code eligibility.
  • View Althea's order confirmation page
  • Click through ShopBack again before every new purchase
  • Use promo codes from ShopBack. Codes not posted by ShopBack may not qualify for Cashback
  • Orders via Althea mobile app
  • Returns, exchanges and cancellations
When will I get my Cashback?
Tracked In
Claim In
2 days
75 days


- Excludes tax and delivery fees

Terms & Conditions

- Return to ShopBack and click through to Althea every time you are making a new transaction.
- If for some reason your payment made on merchant page has failed, do click through ShopBack again and re-do your purchases to ensure tracking is still active.