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Survey Wall

Up to RM4 Cashback

Shopback Plus Background

Up to RM4.50 Cashback

Cashback timeline


Tracked in

4 days

Confirmed in

45 days

Terms and exclusions

Ensure your Cashback is tracked


Complete 100% of your survey questions

Must complete Welcome Survey (fill in the particulars)

Please input your real age and select your gender identical when you are registering information.


Cashback will be rejected for submitted surveys with inappropriate responses subject to Survey Wall discretion

Unsubmitted surveys


  • - 5p = 5 points. For each point, you will get RM0.005 to RM0.01. Some surveys award a range of points, e.g. 5p~10p. For 5p, you will get RM0.025 to RM0.05 cashback
  • - Please complete all survey questions in one seating. All points awarded are solely under Survey Wall’s discretion
  • - Please input your real age and select your gender identical when you are registering information
  • - Please visit Survey Wall frequently and respond as soon as possible when you receive the survey invitation, chances of participating surveys are on first come first serve basis
  • - The information obtained during this survey may include confidential business information of the research company. Please do not disclose this information to any third party nor use it for any purpose other than responding to this survey

Other terms and conditions

  • - DIY Survey Sampling The most cost-effective solution for conducting online surveys.
  • - ShopBack must be the last link you clicked in order to get Cashback. If other website links are clicked after clicking through ShopBack, Cashback will not be tracked (E.g. coupon and deal websites)
  • - If for some reason your payment made on merchant page has failed, do click through ShopBack again and re-do your purchases to ensure tracking is still active
  • - Return to ShopBack and click through to the merchant every time you are making a new transaction
  • - If you are making 3 separate transactions on the merchant, you should click through ShopBack 3 times, each time before making a new purchase